
Solve numerically

  1. 1D Schrödinger equation by the spectral collocation (i.e., pseudospectral) method
  2. Schrödinger equation for the particle in a spherically symmetric potential
  3. Kohn-Sham equation for an atom using local-density approximation (LDA)


Change of variables

The dynamics of a particle in a spherically symmetric potential are governed by a Hamiltonian of the following form:

\[-\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2\mu}\underset{\Delta R_{nl}}{\underbrace{\left[\frac{1}{r^{2}}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(r^{2}\frac{\partial R_{nl}}{\partial r}\right)-\frac{l(l+1)}{r^{2}}R_{nl}(r)\right]}}+V(r)R_{nl}(r)=E_{nl}R_{nl}(r)\]

where $\Delta$ - Laplace operator, $r$ - distance between the particle and a defined center point (nucleus), $\mu$ - reduced mass, $R_{nl}(r)$ - radial part of a wavefunction, $E_{nl}$ - eigenstate of a system (energy level). The eigenfunctions are

\[\psi(r,\,\theta,\,\phi)=R_{nl}(r)\cdot Y_{lm}(\theta,\,\phi)\]

where $Y_{lm}(\theta,\,\phi)$ - spherical harmonic.

The substitution


can be used to write the radial Schrödinger equation as:

\[-\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}\left[\frac{\partial^{2}P_{nl}}{\partial r^{2}}-\frac{l(l+1)}{r^{2}}P_{nl}(r)\right]+V(r)P_{nl}(r)=E_{nl}P_{nl}(r)\]

Variable $r$ and eigenfunction $P_{nl}(r)$ can be changed to $x$ and $y_{nl}(x)$ for the convenience of numerical solution.

\[\begin{aligned} r &= e^{x}\\ y_{nl}(x) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{r}}P_{nl}\left(r(x)\right) \end{aligned}\]

After that, the radial Schrödinger equation is following.

\[-\frac{1}{2\mu}\frac{\partial^{2}y_{nl}(x)}{\partial x^{2}}+\left(\frac{1}{2\mu}\left(l+\frac{1}{2}\right)^{2}+r^{2}V(r)\right)y_{nl}(x)=r^{2}E_{nl}y_{nl}(x)\]

in Atomic units, as we use throughout, i.e. $\hbar = 1$ and $4\pi\epsilon_0 = 1$. It means that distances are in 1 a.u. = 0.529177 Angstrom and Coulomb potential is

\[V(r) = -\frac{Z}{\epsilon r}\]

Pseudospectral method

Pseudospectral method is convenient approach to code a solution of differential equation. The wavefunction is taken as a linear combination of basis sinc-functions.

\[\begin{aligned} y(x) &= \sum_{i=1}^{n}c_{i}\phi_{i}(x)\\ \phi_{i}(x) &= \frac{\sin\left(\pi(x-x_{i})/h\right)}{\pi(x-x_{i})/h} \end{aligned}\]

Discrete grid

\[x_{i}=x_{min}+i\cdot h\]

where $i=1\ldots n$ and step size $h$, defines basis set, since

\[\phi_{i}(x_{j})=\left\{ \begin{array}{clr} 1 & \text{for} & i=j\\ 0 & \text{for} & i\neq j \end{array}\right.\]

coefficients are values of the function on a grid.

\[c_i = y(x_i)\]

The first derivative of a basis function taken on a grid point is


Therefore, differentiation of a function on the grid $x_i$ is equivalent to matrix-vector product

\[\mathrm{y'(x_i)} = \mathrm{D^{(1)}} \cdot \mathrm{y(x_i)}\]

where matrices for the first and second derivatives are

\[\mathrm{D^{(1)}}=\frac{1}{h}\left(\begin{array}{ccccc} 0 & 1 & -\frac{1}{2} & \cdots & \frac{(-1)^{n}}{n-1}\\ -1 & 0 & 1\\ \frac{1}{2} & -1 & 0 & & -\frac{1}{2}\\ & & & \ddots & 1\\ \frac{(-1)^{n-1}}{n-1} & \cdots & \frac{1}{2} & -1 & 0 \end{array}\right)\]

\[\mathrm{D^{(2)}}=\frac{1}{h^{2}}\left(\begin{array}{ccccc} -\frac{\pi^{2}}{3} & 2 & -\frac{1}{2} & \cdots & \frac{2(-1)^{n}}{(n-1)^{2}}\\ 2 & -\frac{\pi^{2}}{3} & 2\\ -\frac{1}{2} & 2 & -\frac{\pi^{2}}{3} & & -\frac{1}{2}\\ & & & \ddots & 2\\ \frac{2(-1)^{n}}{(n-1)^{2}} & \cdots & -\frac{1}{2} & 2 & -\frac{\pi^{2}}{3} \end{array}\right)\]

With these matrices, a numerical solution of Schrödinger equation becomes a linear algebra problem. For this to be done, we have the following ingredients:

  1. logarithmic grid $x_i = \ln(r_i)$ on which vectors are calculated: orbitals $y_k$ and potential $V(r)$,
  2. diagonal matrices: $\mathrm{S} = r_i^2$ and $\mathrm{V_{\text{eff}}}=\frac{1}{2\mu}\left(l+\frac{1}{2}\right)^{2}+r_i^{2}V(r_i)$,
  3. kinetic energy operator $\mathrm{K}=-\frac{1}{2\mu}\cdot D^{(2)}$,
  4. hamiltonian operator $\mathrm{H = K + V_{\text{eff}}}$.

Variants of this approach can be found in the documentation A Matlab Differentiation Matrix Suite.

Peculiarities of the eigenvalue problem

Solution of the eigenvalues problem is pairs of eigenvectors $\epsilon_k$ and eigenvectors $y_k$, that correspond to the particle's energy levels and wavefunctions (orbitals). The $i$ component of the $y_k$ eigenvector is the value of the $k$ level wavefunction at the $x_i$ grid point. It is this property of the pseudospectral method that makes the algorithm compact and clear.

\[\mathrm{H\cdot y = S\cdot y}\]

The generalized eigenvalue problem of eigenvalues of a symmetrical matrix $H$ and a symmetrical, positively defined matrix $S$ can be reduced to the symmetrical eigenvalues problem using the symmetrical Löwdin orthogonalization.

\[\mathrm{\underset{H'}{\underbrace{S^{-\frac{1}{2}}\cdot H\cdot S^{-\frac{1}{2}}}}\cdot\underset{y'}{\underbrace{S^{\frac{1}{2}}\cdot y}}=E\cdot\underset{y'}{\underbrace{S^{\frac{1}{2}}\cdot y}}}\]


\[\mathrm{H'}=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} \frac{H_{11}}{r_{1}r_{1}} & \frac{H_{12}}{r_{1}r_{2}} & \cdots & \frac{H_{1n}}{r_{1}r_{n}}\\ \frac{H_{21}}{r_{2}r_{1}} & \frac{H_{22}}{r_{2}^{2}} & & \vdots\\ \vdots & & \ddots\\ \frac{H_{n1}}{r_{n}r_{1}} & \cdots & & \frac{H_{nn}}{r_{n}^{2}} \end{array}\right)\]

However, the floating point representation of numbers leads to symmetry loss of the matrix $H'$ due to non-associativity.

\[H_{ij}/r_i/r_j \neq H_{ji}/r_j/r_i\]

The standard algorithm implemented in the LAPACK library for the generalized eigenvalue problem uses the Cholesky decomposition, but its scope is limited to the case when $\mathrm{S}$ matrix is well defined, i.e. condition number

\[k(\mathrm{S})\equiv\left\Vert \mathrm{S}\right\Vert _{2}\cdot\left\Vert \mathrm{S}^{-1}\right\Vert _{2}\]

is not large. In our case, this number is very large, ca $10^{52}$


To remedy the problem, note that eigenvectors of matrix pencils $(\mathrm{H,S})$ and $(\mathrm{H,\alpha S + \beta H})$ are same, when matrix $\mathrm{\alpha S + \beta H}$ is positive definite. Then

\[\mathrm{H \cdot y = \theta \cdot (\alpha S + \beta H) \cdot y}\]

has eigenvalues

\[\theta_i = \frac{\epsilon_i}{\alpha + \beta \epsilon_i}\]

Setting $\beta = 1$ and $\alpha = 10^5$ we make new matrix

\[\mathrm{S' = \alpha S + H}\]

which is positive definite and well-conditioned, then solve the problem

\[\mathrm{H \cdot y = \theta \cdot S' \cdot y}\]

using standard LAPACK routine. Eigenvalues of interest are found with

\[\epsilon_i = \frac{\alpha \cdot \theta_i}{1 - \theta_i}\]

This approach is used in the present code.

Sketch of the solution

We are going to find a solution of the differential equation

\[-\frac{1}{2\mu}\frac{\partial^{2}y_{nl}(x)}{\partial x^{2}}+\left(\frac{1}{2\mu}\left(l+\frac{1}{2}\right)^{2}+r^{2}V(r)\right)y_{nl}(x)=r^{2}E_{nl}y_{nl}(x)\]

on the grid $x_i = x_{min} + (i-1)\cdot dx$.

using LinearAlgebra

# find differentiation matrix
function laplacian(x)
  n, h = length(x), step(x)
  Δ = Matrix{Float64}(undef, n, n)
  Δ[diagind(Δ, 0)] .= -1/3 * π^2 / h^2
  for i = 2:n
    Δ[diagind(Δ, i - 1)] =
    Δ[diagind(Δ, 1 - i)] .= 2 * (-1)^i / (i - 1)^2 / h^2
  return Δ

# make logarithmic grid on r
x = -30.0:0.175:5.0; r = exp.(x); r² = exp.(2x)

# set up parameters of the hydrogen atom hamiltonian:
# reduced mass, azimuthal quantum number, and nucleus charge
μ = 1; l = 0; Z = 1;

# make hamiltonian matrix
H = -1/2μ*laplacian(x) + Diagonal(1/2μ * (l + 1/2)^2 .- Z*r);

# form positive definite well-conditioned matrix S
α = 1e5; β = 1;
S = β*H + α * Diagonal(r .* r);

# solve generalized eigenproblem
θ, y = eigen(H, S);
ϵ = α * θ ./ (1.0 .- θ);

# see energy of the 1s-state of hydrogen atom

Schrödinger equation

Differentiation matrix

laplacian(n::Int, h::Real)
laplacian(x::AbstractRange{T}) where {T}

Returns $n \times n$ differentiation matrix $\mathrm{D^{(2)}}$ using sinc interpolants. See Weideman, J.A., and Reddy, S.C. (2000). A MATLAB differentiation matrix suite. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 26(4), 465-519. Equation (20) on page 485.

On input: n - size of a uniform grid with step size h, or x - AbstractRange object.


Second derivative of the gaussian function

\[ \partial^2 \exp(-x^2)/\partial x^2 = 2(2x^2 - 1)\exp(-x^2)\]

julia> x = -6:0.01:6

julia> d²f_exact = 2(2x.^2 .- 1).*exp.(-x.^2);

julia> d²f_approx = laplacian(length(x), step(x)) * exp.(-x.^2);

julia> isapprox(d²f_exact, d²f_approx, atol = 1e-10)

Using the following code, one can find the vibrational levels of the radical OH⋅, for which the potential energy surface is approximated through the Morse potential.

using AtomEnergyLevels
using LinearAlgebra, Test, Printf

# Morse potential
V(x, D, β, x₀) = D*(exp(-β*(x-x₀))-1)^2 - D;

# parameters of the O-H bond
D  = 0.1994;   β = 1.189;  x₀ = 1.821;
mH = 1.00794; mO = 15.9994; μ = 1822.8885*(mH*mO)/(mH+mO);

# grid
x = (2.0 - x₀):0.1:(12.0 + x₀);

# hamiltonian
H = -1/2μ*laplacian(x) + Diagonal(V.(x, D, β, x₀));

# numerical solution
ϵ, ψ = eigen(H);

# exact solution
ω = β*sqrt(2D/μ); δ = ω^2 / 4D;
E(n) = ω*(n+1/2) - δ*(n+1/2)^2 - D;

# comparison
for i in 1:5
  @printf "Level %i: E(exact) = %5.10f E(approx) = %5.10f\n" i E(i-1) ϵ[i]
Level 1: E(exact) = -0.1904720166 E(approx) = -0.1904720166
Level 2: E(exact) = -0.1732294768 E(approx) = -0.1732294768
Level 3: E(exact) = -0.1568048397 E(approx) = -0.1568048397
Level 4: E(exact) = -0.1411981052 E(approx) = -0.1411981048
Level 5: E(exact) = -0.1264092734 E(approx) = -0.1264092731

Atomic electron configuration parsing

conf_enc(input::AbstractString; maxn = 7, spins = 2,
notation = Dict("s" => 0, "p" => 1, "d" => 2, "f" => 3))

Parse an input string as the configuration of an atom. An electronic configuration is string like "[He] 2s2 2p1", where the notation [X] indicates that all subshells associated with the noble gas X are fully occupied. The function encodes the configuration provided "[He] 2s2 2p1" and returns ((2.0, 2.0), (1.0,)), where subtuples (2.0, 2.0) and (1.0,) are populations of all the l = 0 and l = 1 shells, i.e. ((1s², 2s²), (2p¹,)). Within each subtuple populations of levels with the same azimuthal quantum number l and subsequent radial quantum numbers nᵣ are listed.

Optional keyword arguments are:

  • maxn - maximal permitted principal quantum number
  • spins - number of spin up/spin down electrons per level (1 or 2)
  • notation - dictionary encoding the correspondence of quantum numbers l = 0, 1... to letters: s, p, d... See spectroscopic notation


julia> conf = conf_enc("[Ar] 3d1 4s2") # Scandium, Z = 21
((2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0), (6.0, 6.0), (1.0,))

julia> sum(collect(Iterators.flatten(conf)))

Radial Schrödinger equation solver

radial_shr_eq(V::Function = r -> -1/r, x::AbstractRange{T} = -30.0:0.1:5.0;
conf = 1, μ = 1.0, α = 1e5) where {T}

radial_shr_eq(V::Array{S}, x::AbstractRange{T}; 
conf = 1, μ = 1.0, α = 1e5) where {S, T}

Solve Schrödinger equation (atomic units are assumed)

\[-\frac{1}{2\mu}\left[\frac{1}{r^{2}}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(r^{2}\frac{\partial R_{nl}}{\partial r}\right)-\frac{l(l+1)}{r^{2}}R_{nl}(r)\right]+V(r)R_{nl}(r)=E_{nl}R_{nl}(r)\]

for the particle in a spherically symmetric potential.

On input:

  • V - potential, provided as an explicit function $V(r)$ (by default r -> -1/r), or an array of values on a radial grid.
  • x - uniform grid (AbstractRange object), such as $r_i = \exp(x_i)$. Default grid is -30.0:0.1:5.0
  • conf - electronic configuration of interest, by default: ground state conf = ((1.0),)
  • μ - reduced mass, by default μ = 1.0 (electron mass in a.u.)
  • α - parameter $α = 10^5$ is used in the matrix pencil $\mathrm{H} + α\mathrm{S}$ for the generalized eigenproblem.

On output function returns:

  • sum of one-particle energies: $E = \sum_{i=1}^{N} n_i \epsilon_i$
  • particles density: $\rho(x) = \frac{1}{4\pi} \sum_{i=1}^{N} n_i y_{i}^{2}(x)$
  • orbitals $y_i(x)$, corresponding eigenvalues $\epsilon_i$ (energy levels), azimuthal and radial quantum numbers $l$, $n_r$, and level populations $n_i$ (as listed in conf).


Hydrogen atom

julia> radial_shr_eq(r -> -1/r, conf = conf_enc("1s1")).energy ≈ -1/2

julia> radial_shr_eq(r -> -1/r, conf = conf_enc("2s1")).energy ≈ -1/8

julia> radial_shr_eq(r -> -1/r, conf = conf_enc("2p1")).energy ≈ -1/8

julia> radial_shr_eq(r -> -1/r, conf = conf_enc("3s1")).energy ≈ -1/18

julia> radial_shr_eq(r -> -1/r, conf = conf_enc("3p1")).energy ≈ -1/18

julia> radial_shr_eq(r -> -1/r, conf = conf_enc("3d1")).energy ≈ -1/18

Isotropic harmonic oscillator

Using the following code, one can find the energy levels for a spherically-symmetric three-dimensional harmonic oscillator.

To find the energy levels with quantum numbers nᵣ = 0, 1, 2 and l = 0, 1, 2 the levels of interest should be included in the electronic configuration.

using AtomEnergyLevels, Printf

function isotropic_harmonic_oscillator(cfg)
  ψ = radial_shr_eq(r -> 1/2*r^2, conf = conf_enc(cfg)).orbitals;
  for (quantum_numbers, orbital) in sort(collect(ψ), by = x -> last(x).ϵᵢ)
    nᵣ, l = quantum_numbers
    ϵ_calc = orbital.ϵᵢ
    n = nᵣ + l + 1
    ϵ_exact = 2nᵣ + l + 3/2
            n, atomic_shell[l], ϵ_calc, ϵ_exact, ϵ_exact - ϵ_calc)

isotropic_harmonic_oscillator("1s1 2s1 3s1 2p1 3p1 4p1 3d1 4d1 5d1");
	ϵ(calc.)	ϵ(exact)	Δϵ
1S	1.50000000	1.50000000	-2.639289e-11
2P	2.50000000	2.50000000	+3.940093e-11
3D	3.50000000	3.50000000	+2.014788e-11
2S	3.50000000	3.50000000	-2.537082e-12
3P	4.50000000	4.50000000	+3.407141e-11
4D	5.50000000	5.50000000	+3.625988e-11
3S	5.50000000	5.50000000	+4.071410e-12
4P	6.50000000	6.50000000	+2.108536e-12
5D	7.50000000	7.50000000	+4.278622e-11

Kratzer Potential

using AtomEnergyLevels, Printf

Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation for the Kratzer Potential.
A. Kratzer, "Die ultraroten Rotationsspektren der Halogenwasserstoffe,"
Zeitschrift für Physik, 3(5), 1920 pp. 289–307. doi:10.1007/BF01327754

See also
function kratzer(D, a, levels::Union{UnitRange{Int64}, Int64} = 0)
    cfg = join(collect(levels) .+ 1, "s1 ") * "s1"
    ψ = radial_shr_eq(r -> -2D*(a/r - a^2 / 2r^2),
        conf = conf_enc(cfg, maxn = last(levels) + 1)).orbitals

    μ = 1/2*sqrt(1 + 8a^2*D)

    for (quantum_numbers, orbital) in sort(collect(ψ), by = x -> last(x).ϵᵢ)
      nᵣ, l = quantum_numbers
      ϵ_calc = orbital.ϵᵢ
      n = nᵣ + l + 1
      ϵ_exact = -2a^2 * D^2 / (nᵣ + μ + 1/2)^2
              n, atomic_shell[l], ϵ_calc, ϵ_exact, ϵ_exact - ϵ_calc)

kratzer(2.5, 1.25, 0:10)
	ϵ(calc.)	ϵ(exact)	Δϵ
1S	-1.75137466	-1.75137466	-2.856160e-12
2S	-1.03719360	-1.03719360	-2.680545e-11
3S	-0.68507215	-0.68507215	-3.032552e-11
4S	-0.48598885	-0.48598885	-6.545192e-11
5S	-0.36257889	-0.36257889	+2.029810e-11
6S	-0.28083730	-0.28083730	-1.992945e-11
7S	-0.22391699	-0.22391699	+4.770345e-11
8S	-0.18269843	-0.18269843	-4.564746e-11
9S	-0.15189579	-0.15189579	+1.754102e-11
10S	-0.12827385	-0.12827385	-4.671158e-11
11S	-0.10976248	-0.10976248	-6.844827e-11

Pseudoharmonic Potential

using AtomEnergyLevels, Printf

Solutions of the Schrödinger Equation for Pseudoharmonic Potential.

I.I. Gol'dman and V.D. Krivchenkov, Problems in Quantum Mechanics
(B. T. Geǐlikman, ed., E. Marquit and E. Lepa, trans.), Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1961.‬

See also
function pseudoharmonic(D, a, levels::Union{UnitRange{Int64}, Int64} = 0)
    cfg = join(collect(levels) .+ 1, "s1 ") * "s1"
    ψ = radial_shr_eq(r -> D*(r/a - a/r)^2, -5.0:0.01:4.0,
        conf = conf_enc(cfg, maxn = last(levels) + 1)).orbitals

    for (quantum_numbers, orbital) in sort(collect(ψ), by = x -> last(x).ϵᵢ)
      nᵣ, l = quantum_numbers
      ϵ_calc = orbital.ϵᵢ
      n = nᵣ + l + 1
      ϵ_exact = sqrt(D/2)/a * (2 + 4nᵣ - 2a * sqrt(2D) + sqrt(1 + 8D * a^2))
              n, atomic_shell[l], ϵ_calc, ϵ_exact, ϵ_exact - ϵ_calc)

pseudoharmonic(1, 2, 0:10)
	ϵ(calc.)	ϵ(exact)	Δϵ
1S	 0.73811638	 0.73811638	+1.793787e-12
2S	 2.15232994	 2.15232994	+2.203127e-12
3S	 3.56654351	 3.56654351	-1.026290e-12
4S	 4.98075707	 4.98075707	-1.415756e-12
5S	 6.39497063	 6.39497063	-7.286616e-12
6S	 7.80918419	 7.80918419	-2.055245e-12
7S	 9.22339776	 9.22339776	-6.917134e-12
8S	10.63761132	10.63761132	-5.657697e-12
9S	12.05182488	12.05182488	-1.716494e-11
10S	13.46603844	13.46603844	-1.173284e-11
11S	14.88025201	14.88025201	-1.815970e-11

Kohn-Sham equations

The Kohn–Sham equations consist of the radial Schrödinger equation above with an with an effective potential $v_s(r)$ given by

\[v_s = V_H + V_{xc} + v_{ext}\]

where $V_H$ is the Hartree potential given by the solution of the radial Poisson equation, $V_{xc}$ is the exchange-correlation potential and $v_{ext}$ is the external potential (most offen electron-nuclear $v_{ext} = -Z/r$ interaction).

The total energy is given by:

\[E[n] = T_s[n] + E_H[n] + E_{xc}[n] + V[n]\]


\[\begin{aligned} T_s[n] &= \sum_i \epsilon_i -\int v_s({\bf r})n({\bf r})\mathrm{d^3}r\\ E_H[n] &= \frac{1}{2}\int V_H({\bf r}) n({\bf r}) \mathrm{d^3}r\\ E_{xc}[n] &= \int \epsilon_{xc}({\bf r};n) n({\bf r}) \mathrm{d^3}r\\ V[n] &= \int v_{ext}({\bf r}) n({\bf r}) \mathrm{d^3}r \end{aligned}\]

Summing up all expressions we obtain final formula.

\[E[n] = \sum_i \epsilon_i + \int \left[-\frac{1}{2}V_H({\bf r}) - V_{xc}({\bf r}) + \epsilon_{xc}({\bf r};n)\right] n({\bf r}) \mathrm{d^3}r\]

where $\epsilon_{xc}({\bf r};n)$ is a universal potential fundamentally related to $V_{xc}$ by

\[V_{xc} = \frac{dn\epsilon_{xc}}{dn}\]

Etot = ∑ε + 4π * ∫(dx, ρ_out .* (-1/2 * vh .- vxc .+ εxc) .* r²)

It is generally accepted to denote by the letters $n$ - particle density, and $\rho$ - charge density. However, this is not convenient in a code. For this reason I have chosen ρ to denote electronic particle density in a code throughout.

Poisson equation and the Hartree potential

Coulomb repulsion between electrons is accounted for under the form of an average field $v_H$ (Hartree potential), containing the combined repulsion from all other electrons on the electron that we are considering. Hartree potential is however not a true potential, since it depends upon the charge density distributions of the electrons, that depend in turn upon the solutions of the Kohn-Sham equations. The equations can be solved in an iterative way, after an initial guess of the orbitals is assumed.

In this section we present the algorithm of solution the Poisson equation for the charge distribution $\rho({\bf r}) = -n({\bf r})$ with the spherical symmetry. The solution to Poisson's equation is the potential field caused by a given electric charge density distribution.

\[\Delta v_{H}(r)=-4\pi n(r)\]

Substituting $v_H(r) = \frac{U(r)}{r}$ we obtain

\[\frac{d^2U}{dr^2}=-4\pi n(r)\]

This is ordinary differential equation of order two, defined on interval $[0, \infty]$. In order to solve this equation two boundary conditions are needed. These are $U(0) = 0$ and $U(\infty) = Q$, where $Q$ - total charge.

They are Dirichlet boundary conditions, therefore, exist $\alpha$ and $\beta$ for $\tilde{U}(r)$ (any solution of differential equation, not necessary fulfilling the boundary conditions) then the function

\[U(r) = \tilde{U}(r) + \alpha r + \beta\]

is the solution of Poisson equation that fulfills the boundary conditions.

On the logarithmic grid $x = \ln(r)$ the Poisson equation takes form

\[\left(\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}-\frac{1}{4}\right)v_{H}(x)=-4\pi r^{2}\sqrt{r}\cdot n(x)\]

where $v_H(r) = v_H(x)/\sqrt{r}$.

Again, this equation can easily be solved via pseudospectral approach. On a logarithmic grid $r_{min}$ plays role of zero, and $r_{max}$ is practically infinity. A solution taken as

\[v_H(x)=\tilde{v}_H(x)-\frac{\tilde{v}_H(x_{max})-Q/\sqrt{r_{max}}}{\sqrt{r_{max}}}\cdot \sqrt{r}-\frac{\tilde{v}_H(x_{min})-Q\cdot \sqrt{r_{min}}}{\sqrt{r}}\cdot \sqrt{r_{min}}\]

where $\tilde{v}_H(x)$ - pseudospectral solution, is what we searching for, since

\[v_H(x_{min})\approx Q\cdot \sqrt{r_{min}}\]


\[v_H(x_{max}) \approx Q/\sqrt{r_{max}}\]

Here is how it coded.

# Solve the Poisson equation to obtain Hartree potential
vh = L \ (-4π * ρ_in .* sqr .* r)
# Apply boundary conditions at r → 0 and r → ∞
vh .-= (vh[n] - Q / sqr[n])/sqr[n] .* sqr .+
       (vh[1] - Q * sqr[1])*sqr[1] ./ sqr
# Change variable vh(x) → vh(r)
vh ./= sqr

Exchange-correlation potential

An exchange-correlation potential $V_{xc}$ and exchange-correlation energy density are

\[\begin{aligned} V_{xc}(r) & = V_{x}(r) + V_{c}(r)\\ \epsilon_{xc}(r) & = \epsilon_{x}(r) + \epsilon_{c}(r) \end{aligned}\]

In the local density approximation (LDA) $\epsilon_x(r)$ is taken equal to the exchange energy density of the homogeneous electron gas.

\[\epsilon_{x}(r) = \epsilon_{x}\left[n(r)\right] = -\alpha \frac{9}{4} \left(\frac{3n(r)}{8π}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}}\]

where parameter $\alpha = 2/3$. Density of the correlation energy of the homogeneous electron gas has not analytic formula, but can be interpolated. For example, one of the most simple expressions is Chachiyo correlation functional.

\[\epsilon_c(r_s)=a \ln \left(1 + \frac{b}{r_s} + \frac{b}{r_s^2}\right)\]

where $r_s$ is Wigner-Seitz parameter, related to the density as

\[\frac{4}{3}\pi r_s^3 = \frac{1}{n}\]

and $a$, $b$ are fitting parameters. For the LDA $\epsilon_x = \frac{3}{4} V_x$.

At present, the following LDA functionals are implemented.

LDA_X(ρ; α = 2/3)

Gives Slater's approximation of the exchange energy density $\epsilon_x$, and potential $V_x$.


  1. P. A. M. Dirac, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930) (doi: 10.1017/S0305004100016108)
  2. F. Bloch, Z. Phys. 57, 545 (1929) (doi: 10.1007/BF01340281)
  3. J.C. Slater, Phys. Rev. 81, 385 (1951) (doi: 10.1103/PhysRev.81.385)
LDA_C_CHACHIYO(ρ; a  = -0.01554535, b₁ = 20.4562557, b  = 20.4562557)

Gives Chachiyo's approximation of the correlation energy density $\epsilon_x$, and potential $V_x$.


  1. T. Chachiyo, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 021101 (2016) (doi: 10.1063/1.4958669)
LDA_C_VWN(ρ; a = 0.0310907, b = 3.72744, c = 12.9352, x0 = -0.10498)

Gives VWN5 approximation of the correlation energy density $\epsilon_x$, and potential $V_x$.


  1. S.H. Vosko, L. Wilk, and M. Nusair, Can. J. Phys. 58, 1200 (1980) (doi: 10.1139/p80-159)

Self-consistent field

Due to dependence of the potential $V(r)$ to the solution $n(r)$, Kohn-Sham equations have to be solved iteratively, until self-consistence is to be achieved. To facilitate convergence, simple mixing scheme is used.

\[n_{i+1}(r) = (1 - \beta) n_{i}(r) + \beta n_{i+1}\]

# admix density from previous iteration to converge SCF
ρ_in = (1.0 - β) * ρ_in + β * ρ_out

SCF is converged if there are no more charge oscillations and energy doesn't change.

Δρ = 4π * ∫(dx, abs.(ρ_out - ρ_in) .* r²)
@info @sprintf "%3i\t%14.6f\t%12.6f\n" i Etot Δρ

# density converged if there are no more charge oscillations
Δρ < δn && abs(Etot - E_prev) < δE && break

where δn and δE - charge and energy convergence criteria.

As an initial estimate of $n(r)$ for the first SCF cycle, Thomas-Fermi density for neutral atom with nuclear charge $Z$ is provided.

TF(r, Z)

Approximate solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation for neutral atom with nuclear charge Z. Returns density at the distance r.

See Moliere, G. (1947). Theorie der streuung schneller geladener teilchen i. einzelstreuung am abgeschirmten coulomb-feld. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 2(3), 133-145.


For a density function $\rho(r)$ of $N$ particles the following equation holds.

\[N = 4\pi\int dr \rho(r)r^2\]

On the grid $r_i = \exp(x_i)$ it is

\[N = 4\pi\int dx \rho(r(x))r^3\]

julia> x = -30:0.1:20

julia> r, n, dx = exp.(x), length(x), step(x);

julia> isapprox(4π * dx * sum(TF.(r, 18) .* r .^3), 18, atol=1e-10)

Usage examples

function lda(Z, x = -30.0:0.1:20.0; conf = atomic_electron_configuration[Z],
             xc = ρ -> LDA_X(ρ) .+ LDA_C_VWN(ρ), Vex = r -> -Z / r,
             ρ_in = nothing, β = 0.3, δn = 1.0e-6, δE = 5.0e-7, maxit = 100,
             μ = 1, α = 1e5)

Solve Kohn-Sham DFT Self-Consistent Field equations for an atom using local density approximation (LDA)

On input:

  • Z - nuclear charge
  • x - grid, rᵢ = exp(xᵢ)
  • conf - electronic configuration
  • xc - LDA exchange-correlation functional
  • Vex - external potential
  • ρ_in - input density (if nothing provided, Thomas-Fermi density is used)
  • β - density mixing parameter, ρₙ = (1 - β) × ρₙ₋₁ + β × ρₙ
  • δn - density convergence criterion
  • δE - energy convergence criterion
  • maxit - maximum permissible number of SCF iterations

On output:

  • lda(...) - total energy, a.u.
  • lda(...).density - electron density ρ(x) = 1/4π * ∑nᵢ*ψᵢ²(x)
  • lda(...).orbitals - matrix, containing complete set of orbitals ψᵢ(x), corresponding eigenvalues εᵢ (energy levels), azimuthal and radial quantum numbers l, nᵣ, and level populations nᵢ (as listed in conf).


Hooke atom

julia> lda(2, Vex = r -> 1/8 * r^2, β = 0.8);
[ Info: Using logarithmic 501 point grid with step dx = 0.1000
[ Info: Using Thomas-Fermi starting electron density
┌ Info: Starting SCF procedure with density mixing parameter β = 0.8000
└       and convergence threshold |Δρ| ≤ 1.000000e-06
[ Info: cycle           energy          |Δρ|
[ Info:   0           2.103849      1.895566
[ Info:   1           2.013080      0.357780
[ Info:   2           2.022087      0.073897
[ Info:   3           2.025397      0.014779
[ Info:   4           2.026076      0.003000
[ Info:   5           2.026201      0.000621
[ Info:   6           2.026224      0.000130
[ Info:   7           2.026228      0.000028
[ Info:   8           2.026229      0.000006
[ Info:   9           2.026229      0.000001
[ Info:  10           2.026229      0.000000
│       ELECTRON KINETIC               0.627459
│       ELECTRON-ELECTRON              1.022579
│       EXCHANGE-CORRELATION          -0.523773
│       ELECTRON-NUCLEAR               0.899965
│       TOTAL ENERGY                   2.026229
└       VIRIAL RATIO                  -2.229260

Compare with exact Kohn-Sham values from Table II of S. Kais et al // Density functionals and dimensional renormalization for an exactly solvable model, JCP 99, 417 (1993);

        ELECTRON KINETIC               0.6352
        ELECTRON-ELECTRON              1.0320
        EXCHANGE-CORRELATION          -0.5553
        ELECTRON-NUCLEAR               0.8881
        TOTAL ENERGY                   2.0000
        VIRIAL RATIO                  -2.1486